Models Build by my Customers

The following pictures show models build by some of my customers with the CAD-plans. The pictures will be updated from time to time if new ones come in. If you want to get in touch with the persons who build the models, feel free and contact them over the net.

(Click on the thubnails to enlarge the pictures)

1:144 Titanic Semikit build by Ray Lepien from the USA:

1:150 Titanic model build by Mr. Didier Legros from France:


1:100 Titanic build by Peter Specht from Austria:

If you want to contact Peter Specht from Austria and learn more about his model, you can do so by email:

1:100 Titanic build by Hans Engnell from Sweden:

These are picture of an earlier model from Hans. I see no need to replace this one!!!!